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Date/Time: Mon, 16 Sep 2024 19:05:53 +0000

Post From: Heatmap Improvements to be closer to Bookmap

[2022-12-17 15:40:13]
TopGunTrader - Posts: 161

Thanks for the above but still think there needs to be more levels and colors, even Jigsaw has 7. Attached screenshot shows Bookmap and there are probably at least 20-30 colors on here.

I want with %'s to have less than 50% be dark blue, 50-65% get lighter blue, 65-85% scale to orange and have the red be top 15% of colors


less than 50 ES contracts very dark blue, 50-75 lighter blue, 75-100 light blue to white, 100-150 scale from white to yellow and 150 to 300 orange to red.

I have spent at least 4-5 hours trying this and feel its impossible in current state. Many other tools in Sierra have 8-12 options for colors and this one desperately needs it as well.
imagebookmap.png / V - Attached On 2022-12-17 15:36:00 UTC - Size: 627.2 KB - 1330 views