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Date/Time: Tue, 18 Feb 2025 22:50:07 +0000

Post From: How to Plot Calculated Data from Spreadsheet and...

[2014-05-04 23:05:58]
djcurcio - Posts: 236
Thanks for your reply.
The spreadsheet sheet number to chart number is a real pain - especially when one deletes or inserts a new chart into the chart book.
Looks like I've got to have multiple chart books with only a single chart in each but all chart books sharing the same spreadsheet file for my multiple monitor configuration rather than having a single chart book with multiple charts that are detached.
I guess I'm headed to converting the spreadsheet stuff to ASCIL and C# so I can get the displays (items 2 and 3) that I want.
Now if I can only find an automatic converter. LOL.