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Date/Time: Thu, 20 Mar 2025 20:39:54 +0000


[2022-11-09 16:38:33]
User898917 - Posts: 31
Original Support request sent to Telephone Support but appears to have been rejected.

Tick Value Discrepancy.

Screen Shot 1 shows:
Symbol ESZ22-CME

Chart Settings > Symbol Settings – Currency Value Per Tick 12.5

Trade Window Settings – Target 1. 10T
Stop 1. 10T
Quantity: 1

Screen Shot 2 shows:
Trade Window with 10 Tick Trade Loss shows only DPL –2.50
(2.50 ÷ 10 = 0.25 Tick Value)

Screen Shot 3 shows:
10 Tick Trade Win – DPL now only +0.25
(2.25 ÷ 10 = 0.225 Tick Value)

Screen Shot 4 shows:
2 additional 10 Tick Wins – DPL now only +2.75
(2.50 ÷ 20 = 0.125 Tick Value)

Thus, with the Symbol Currency Value Per Tick Set to 12.50,
and the Trade Window Quantity 1 with a Target & Stop @ 10 Ticks,
these figures don’t add up. Something is not working out.

Please also note:
Screen Shot 1 shows the Trade Window’s correct 10 Tick sum
for the Currency Value of 12.5. Target 1: $125. Stop 1: $125.

As this is such a crucial discrepancy to resolve, and I’m about to go live, perhaps it might be appreciated why I’m requesting Telephone Support to address this issue before I shortly risk real capital. Naturally, I’m happy to pay in advance for an arranged 30 minute Support call, and would therefore greatly appreciate to receive your instructions for how to proceed with the arrangement.

Thanking you kindly in advance,

Date Time Of Last Edit: 2022-11-10 09:42:49
image1. Trade Set to 12.5 Currency Value Per Tick - Target 1. 10T.png / V - Attached On 2022-11-09 16:37:44 UTC - Size: 1.23 MB - 97 views
image2. 10 Tick Trade Loss shows only - 2.50.png / V - Attached On 2022-11-09 16:37:56 UTC - Size: 1.23 MB - 107 views
image3. 10 Tick Trade Win shows only - 2.50 + 2.75 = +0.25P .png / V - Attached On 2022-11-09 16:38:06 UTC - Size: 1.24 MB - 96 views