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Date/Time: Thu, 20 Mar 2025 19:34:07 +0000

Post From: Numbers Bars Background Colors not Updating Correctly Using ACSIL

[2022-11-06 01:55:36]
deltaFlow - Posts: 12
I am using ACSIL to update the Numbers Bars input for "Column 1 Actual Volume Compare Thresholds (In:112)". My custom study creates a new setting string based on market conditions.

However, even though the input setting is correctly updated by the ACSIL code (as corroborated by looking at the "Settings and Inputs" dialog box) the background colors themselves will not update according to the new setting.

I've reviewed the Support Board for this issue and so far found no answer.

Here is the code I am using for updating Numbers Bars, Input# 112 after computing the newSettingStr:
sc.SetChartStudyInputString( sc.ChartNumber, 1, 111, newSettingStr );

If, after displaying the study settings dialog, I hit the "Apply" or "OK" buttons the background colors DO update correctly. It seems like sc.RecalculateChartImmediate() will not "Apply" the new setting.

Is my code incorrect or is it an issue with Numbers Bars supporting this kind of ACSIL input update?