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Date/Time: Wed, 19 Mar 2025 22:33:06 +0000

Post From: Live Trading Data - Charged Twice

[2022-10-27 19:22:32]
User652000 - Posts: 8
For live trading with AMP, I used to sign in and connect to my data with CQG webapi login credentials in Sierra chart. I just refunded after having a zero balance in my account and had to select a data bundle through the AMP website, which I selected full CME group. It then charged me for this service through AMP, which has never happened as it normally charges through Sierra chart. I noticed I am still being charged for the live full CME group through Sierra chart as well.

1. How do I get live data now through sierra chart for the full CME group if you are not using CQG data anymore?
2. If I stop paying for denali exchange service and just pay for it through AMP, can I then continue to use my CQG login credentials for live trading?

Thanks for you help in advance. Message below regarding how I found out you no longer use CQG.
Max Rathberger (AMP Global (USA))

Oct 27, 2022, 1:48 PM CDT

Hello Jared,

Sierra Chart provides exchange market data. AMP, also, does through CQG. Currently, Sierra Chart is not allowing CME market dat from CQG to be used on Sierra Chart. Ultimately, these charges come from the exchange itself. The request that we've received via our live trading set up had selected CME Bundle data through CQG. This was charged in accordance with the exchange. Did you not require this exchange market data?

Max Rathberger