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Date/Time: Tue, 26 Nov 2024 12:42:05 +0000

Post From: SC crashes when submitting attached orders to IB

[2014-05-01 14:29:42]
MotoMoto - Posts: 47
hi...yes corrected in that it does not crash and it also updates the correct amounts.
However, I noticed a new issue you want to look at.
Today I sold 5 NQ at the bid, resulting in....
Avg price of 3576.45

I had an attached order stop of 8T (8 tics)
This should have given a stop of 3578.5 (I can confirm this if I put an away from market order in.

However, the stop in SC and IB TWS was placed at 3579.5 --- a total of 12T (12 tics) away.
Why would this occur?

EDIT: sold two lots of 5 also - both were filled at sales at 3593.5 - however, one stop was at 3594.5, the other stop at 3595.5 both with the same attached orders....the sales occurred as I wanted to sell 10 and deliberately pushed the sell at bid button twice.

Date Time Of Last Edit: 2014-05-01 15:08:58