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Date/Time: Wed, 19 Mar 2025 02:02:51 +0000

Post From: Data feed question for stocks

[2022-10-26 17:02:51]
John - SC Support - Posts: 38782
We are pretty sure that the reason you are getting the delayed data is because you did not change your symbols. When you use the -NQTV for the symbols that is specifically for the data from the NASDAQ TotalView exchange that is part of the Denali Exchange Data Feed. In order to get the data from the U.S. Equities exchange that is part of the Sierra Chart Exchange Data Feed you need to remove the -NQTV suffix and just leave the core exchange symbol (IBM instead of IBM-NQTV).

Therefore, you do not need to change your package or data feed. In answer to your question though, the Denali Exchange Data Feed does not have any symbol limits. The symbol limits only apply to the Sierra Chart Exchange Data Feed, and 250 is the smallest number we offer. It's more a matter of if you need to pay for more, then we have more expensive options for that.

And finally, with regards to the broker issue - that is only for the non-professional data from the CME Group. Any other data does not have this requirement, so you are fine being on Package 5 and not connecting to a broker.
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