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Date/Time: Wed, 19 Mar 2025 17:44:52 +0000

Post From: historical data via Denali changes when connected to [SC Data-All Service] -vs- [Rithmic]

[2022-10-22 06:47:43]
User199865 - Posts: 23
Answers to your Questions John:

We are not understanding how you are switching between the data that is used in each chart. Just changing the symbol would not do it. Are these two different charts in different chartbooks?[/b]

Answer: I am not just changing the symbol. This is the same chart that is left open, and all I am doing is switching the data/trade service setting between SC and Rithmic. This is the same chart in the same chartbbook

We do see that there is an issue with the chart you list as "Rithmic" in that the dates jump from September to December 29, to October 20. This could be data, but it also could be a study that is causing an issue.

Answer:This cant be the study as it works when I switch the Data trade settings to SC and do not change anything in the study and its the same chart on both attached pics. It is not just this TPO chart, it also happens on all other charts where that study isn't actiavted. I have attached another 3 pics of another chart but 3 different situations when I switch the data over from SC all data to rithmic. When I do a a 60minute chart or daily, on SC all data it works fine as shown in picture. Then when I switch to Rithmic data and 60 min data it looks like the attached. But while staying on the Rithmic data and move that chart to the daily, It shows more previous data that then 60 minute but still missing loads before and not 400 days to how I have set it.

In addition to letting us know about the above, we also want you to remove the TPO study from those charts in order to view the underlying data and see how that looks[/b].

Answer: I have attached the picture when I take the study off which gets rid of all data as TPO is a study. But to answer this question more, it is not a study issue as it happens across all of my charts when switchin between SC data and Rithmic with no studies open.

I must say John, I have spent atleast 20 hours now on this issue myself, messaging, reading, support, tickets, openieng up new brookers, speaking to Rithmic, and had 0 progress and im now on my 6th day with same issue. I understand issue can happen, but now given its day 6 I think its now time to have this as urgent and John should jump on a call with me or take over my computer as we still have no real solution and feels like back and fourth same points we have discussed on prevous threads. I have gone a week without of trading and its my job. Hope you can understand the urgency for me to get this fixed. I need this sorted out so much faster than its currently being dealth with as I am paying for this service I cannot use and loosing days of work.[/b][/b]
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2022-10-22 06:51:03
imageSC data chart 1.png / V - Attached On 2022-10-22 06:26:28 UTC - Size: 70.57 KB - 99 views
imageDaily rithmic data.png / V - Attached On 2022-10-22 06:29:27 UTC - Size: 108.88 KB - 85 views
image60 mins rithmic.png / V - Attached On 2022-10-22 06:48:12 UTC - Size: 83.79 KB - 93 views