Support Board
Date/Time: Wed, 19 Mar 2025 14:35:59 +0000
Post From: Cannot load historical data
[2022-10-18 07:21:47] |
User199865 - Posts: 23 |
HI John, Another question relating to sierra. Can you confirm what sierra package I had prior to Thursday 13th October and what package it got changed to over the weekend when sierra took payment as if this is changed the answer could lay here? To confirm , I am currently getting live market data via rithmic to sierra charts, im just getting happy historic data, even though you say that's not possible as its via apex. Also I am also getting historic charts on some of my charts but with gaps (looks like its just ESU22 & ESM22 that are missing) and nothing on some other charts. The answers I am getting just do not make any sense because it was all working fine for about 8 months until yesterday and nothing had been changed except sierra charts renewing my package over the weekend. Do you see where I am coming from? IF the above can still not get an answer I need to use the software. If I open a funded account and fund it to abide by the CME rules to have live data via denali, Cna I not use my new funded account linked to sierra but to use my other Rithmic account on sierra so I can open and close trades via sierra onto rithmic? IS this possible or am I right thinking I can only have data acees if went down the other broker way and will have to open and close trades with rimthic on their software? Date Time Of Last Edit: 2022-10-18 09:58:33