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Date/Time: Wed, 19 Mar 2025 08:24:30 +0000

Post From: Volume at Price threshold SG1 column missing from spreadsheet - FIX REQUIRED

[2022-10-12 20:50:16]
User350416 - Posts: 43
Thank you very much for your quick answer.
By recreating everything from scratch it works and I have now SG1 listed.

However when the SG1 trigger 0 lists a value it lists 0 as Count of alerts SG59, and when the coutn of alerts lists a value there is no value under SG1 ...
When looking at it further, the alert actually prints correctly in the Count of alerts under the correct time BUT the spreadsheet prints une line below (under the worng time) the SG1.

For instance for a numbers bar chart on which we run the threshold study with the following parameters : vol thresohold 20 and additional vol 0 it returns an alert at 22:26:00
BUT on the spreasheet at 22:26 there is no SG1 value whereas the Count of alerts SG59 list 1, and the SG1 value is listed at 22:24, which is incorrect as the alert was triggered at 22:26.

So there is a mismatch between the alert count and the SG1 value at one candlestick time bar separation.

Can you please fix this or let me know if it is a parameter I'm getting wrong?

Screenshot and spreadsheet to follow on next message

Many thanks