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Date/Time: Wed, 19 Mar 2025 05:24:05 +0000

Post From: why can't I get CME btc futures charts to work

[2022-10-10 09:51:31]
User849502 - Posts: 367
Hi John,
I know I am bothering you a lot lately, but I went to call up a CME btc october chart and this is what I get. A chart that won't update, and is 15min behind anyway. I have CME, but is it because I don't have all the CME only e minis? Ok you know on one computer I have Teton, and on the crypto computer I have 'all services' so I can get the perp contracts from bitmex. So does 'all services' not allow me to have crypto eminis?? That does doesn't seem right, but I just tried calling up a MBT micro btc contract and that is just like the the BTC contract. Dead as a duck. What is wrong? I get eminis for es and nq, but I just tried the emin 6B. That doesn't work, but the micro M6B does. Can you help me out here.

1-why don't I get data for cme emini currencies, but do with micros
2-why can't I get either BTC or its micro MBT?

Thanks John,

imagecmebtc.PNG / V - Attached On 2022-10-10 09:51:24 UTC - Size: 119.57 KB - 95 views