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Date/Time: Wed, 19 Mar 2025 17:33:38 +0000

Post From: I can not update!

[2022-10-07 08:41:07]
User108250 - Posts: 17
First, The Message I am getting when I am trying to download the current version and update the software is: "Maximum number of retries encountered. Refer to log. Download canceled. Press 'Install' to retry."

Second, I am not trying to get data for any instruments from any other exchange I am not subscribing to! As I mentioned before, my charts is loading smoothly only for the "ES" and it does load very slow, or not loading at all for any other symbol like the "NQ", "RTY", "CL", and "GC". and I am sure that I am using the correct symbols as they are all listed in my "QuoteBoard".

Third, right now to trade and to route my orders through my AMP brokerage account, I am still connecting to "CQG WebAPI", while I am getting my data from you, which is costing me more than what I used to, when I was 100% with CQG for both routing and DATA, and as you just told me that I had to activate more exchanges for extra fees. So, I am not sure if the setup I have right now is the right setup, and if there is a better way to save some money!

Also, I am not sure if my orders including "Target" and "Stop Loss" orders are software based, or server based orders, since I heard that server based orders are safer just in case I lose internet connection or electricity while I am having an open trade! So please advise on how I can verify that? Thanks