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Date/Time: Wed, 19 Mar 2025 04:53:45 +0000
Post From: Trade window daily profit/loss format with custom currency value
[2022-10-04 20:40:07] |
User35525 - Posts: 182 |
Okay, I must have missed it, but further down the documentation says the Daily Profit/Loss cannot use the Profit/Loss format: In the case of Daily and Cumulative Profit/Loss values, the quantity will always be considered. So therefore the full quantity will always be used. In this case you will see an uppercase T.
Which seems to contradict another bit of documentation at the beginning: The Position Profit/Loss setting sets the format of the Open Profit/Loss display for the Trade Position line on a chart and all other Profit/Loss displays on the chart and Trade Window for the chart, including the Daily Profit/Loss.
It looks like that feature was maybe "disabled" at some point, which is a pity. If I'm scalping I DO NOT want to see the cumulative Daily Profit/Loss with quantity enabled. That is too distracting. I just want ticks "t" as a scorecard. That's why people disable the currency value too. I found I can just disable it all with Chart Settings > Trading > Profit/Loss Format(List): Do Not Display. That is sufficient I guess, but the Open Profit/Loss then doesn't show the green/red real-time feedback anymore (handy for scalping), and I have to still use the "Trading: Profit/Loss Text" study to keep track of daily P/L in "t" ticks. Would you consider an option to simply remove the Daily Profit/Loss from the Trade Window? It could possibly be set at: - Chart Settings > Trading > Display Daily Profit/Loss {yes|no}. Date Time Of Last Edit: 2022-10-04 21:01:51