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Date/Time: Wed, 19 Mar 2025 03:55:24 +0000

Post From: bug on chartbook

[2022-10-04 09:40:18]
User543772 - Posts: 5

I'll try to be a bit more specific about my issue: according to my settings I should be seeing a volume for every week. I setted the study to "multiple profiles based on fixed time" and my fixed time is 1 week. I've drawn two arrows on the chart where I see the profiles missing. Moreover even with "lock fill space" disabled I still see the blank on the far right and I'm not able to remove it. I'm NOT talking about the space between the price candles and the volume profile; I'm talking about the blank space beyond the volume profile at the far right just before the window ends. That space looks like a bug, I haven't seen something like that in any of my other chartbooks.