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Date/Time: Wed, 19 Mar 2025 01:29:19 +0000

Post From: Spreadsheet System for Trading - can't get 2nd Working Exit Limit Order to appear/ send

[2022-10-04 00:05:07]
PeaceFrog - Posts: 105
Good day,
Thank you for taking the time to answer my question.

In the Spreadsheet System for Trading I'm working on, I have 2 different strategies running in columns P onwards. While running through a Playback, I've run into the problem of not being able to get a second Exit Limit Order to appear that should appear. In Strategy A have an open long entry position and a Working Exit Order and then, in Strategy B, a second long entry position fills but then the second Working Exit Order won’t appear and I can't figure out why not.

The following cells read:
L3: Buy Exit: 1
I & J 3: Working Orders Quantity (read-only): -1
I & J 4: Position with Working Orders Quantity (read-only): 1
I & J 5: Position Quantity (read-only): 2
I & J 6: Position Quantity with Working Exit Orders (read-only): 2
I & J 7: Prior Position Quantity (read-only): 1
I & J 8: Position Quantity (read-only): 2
I & J 22: Limit or Stop Price - Buy Exit (L) (read/write): The proper Exit Limit Price
I & K 59: Allow Multiple Entries in Same Direction (read-only): 1
I & J 62: Allow Entry With Working Orders (read-only): 1
I & J 66: Maximum Position Allowed (read-only): 6
I & J 69: Allow Opposite Entry with Opposing Position or Orders (read-only): 1
I & K 72: Buy Exit: Order Type. M=Market,L=Limit,S=Stop,SL=Stop-Limit,MIT=MarketIfTouched (read/write): L
I & J 82: Use Separate Exit Order Quantity (write-only): <blank>
I & J 83: Exit Order Quantity (write-only): <blank>
I & J 84: Working Orders Exist (read-only): 1

Thank you for taking the time to respond. I appreciate it very much.