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Date/Time: Wed, 19 Mar 2025 03:14:40 +0000

Post From: Denali+IB futures options setup

[2022-09-30 02:14:01]
Fanch - Posts: 19

I have followed instructions to use the Denali feed for CME futures options and I use the Interactive Brokers FOP format string in the "use as trade symbol" chart settings.
When I try to place a buy limit order on ES FOP at, say, $87, the order is rejected because TWS thinks I am trying to buy at $8700 (for a total $437,000 since ES FOP has a multiplier of 50).
It looks like there is a multiplier used somewhere that I should adjust, can you please advise?

Other problem: how do I get to display the line of the mid-price as bid and ask evolve?
I would like to replicate in SC what I am seeing in TWS (see attachements)

image2022-09-29 22_07_53-Chart Settings _ ESZ22 P3530.FUT_OPT.CME.png / V - Attached On 2022-09-30 02:13:16 UTC - Size: 33.01 KB - 116 views
image2022-09-29 21_40_12-All Interactive Brokers.png / V - Attached On 2022-09-30 02:13:34 UTC - Size: 149.93 KB - 116 views
Attachment Deleted.