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Date/Time: Tue, 18 Mar 2025 21:30:54 +0000
Post From: Buy Alert is trigerred accurately via spreadsheet but not via ASCIL
[2022-09-29 16:12:33] |
kam2001 - Posts: 82 |
Thanks for looking into it, but making the change as suggested has not worked. Bar has closed but the cell value is not greater than 0 but it's still going inside 'If statement' and logging message 'Show alert here' as per code changed below. const char *SheetCollectionName = "my-alerts";
const char *SheetName = "Sheet2"; void *SheetHandle = sc.GetSpreadsheetSheetHandleByName(SheetCollectionName, SheetName, false); SCString CellString; SCString MessageOut; double CellValue = 0.0; int status = sc.GetBarHasClosedStatus(); if(status == BHCS_BAR_HAS_CLOSED){ if (SheetHandle == nullptr) { // sc.AddMessageToLog("Nope...", 0); // some code for no spreadsheet } else { if (sc.GetSheetCellAsDouble(SheetHandle, 10, 2, CellValue)) { if (CellValue > 0.0) { sc.AddMessageToLog("Bar Has Closed", true); sc.AddMessageToLog("Show Alert Here", 0); MessageOut.Format("Cell Value = %f", CellValue); sc.AddMessageToLog(MessageOut, 0); sc.Subgraph[0][sc.Index] = 100; } // sc.AddMessageToLog(CellString, 0); // sc.AddMessageToLog(CellString, 0); } // some different code for spreadsheet found } } Date Time Of Last Edit: 2022-09-29 16:15:37