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Date/Time: Tue, 18 Mar 2025 21:25:37 +0000

Post From: Not Receiving most recent data

[2022-09-27 15:30:12]
Jack1202 - Posts: 1
I opened a new chart book from a class I am taking, but only get data for ESU22-CME through 9/15/22 (see attached). I have translated symbols to the current service (service 5) and rolled over to the current contracts. After that I have closed Sierra Chart and reopened it. Then I tried "reload and recalculate." None of has brought the data from 9/16 through today to the chart. What else should I do?
imageSierraChart.PNG / V - Attached On 2022-09-27 15:29:57 UTC - Size: 94.95 KB - 93 views