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Date/Time: Wed, 19 Mar 2025 00:01:33 +0000

Post From: NQTV data discrepancy, and CBOE data failure.

[2022-09-25 15:21:03]
kennedpa - Posts: 14
AAPL-NQTV has significant error in data, can you explain this? I realize you are not a "data provider" but it is a service you offer so there must be some explanation as to the source. I have cross checked multiple data providers and have not been able to find anything close to these prints that are present in the data set.

Secondly, some CBOE indexes are failing to load. I have experienced this in the past and it's now becoming frustrating trying to access the data for a new model I am working on. $AMOX/$AMRX/$AMWX/$SRVX are the latest symbols I've tried to load today that have failed to load. $TNX, $FVX, and $TYX have loaded correctly.

I have restarted the feed/program multiple times, and have cleared and reattempted to acquire the data.

Thank you.
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attachmentAAPL-NQTV Friday only data.pdf - Attached On 2022-09-25 15:09:51 UTC - Size: 64.03 KB - 190 views
attachmentAMOX_AMRX_AMWX Not displaying.pdf - Attached On 2022-09-25 15:14:02 UTC - Size: 113.85 KB - 202 views