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Date/Time: Tue, 18 Mar 2025 17:07:04 +0000

Post From: Continuous Contract Data for NQ futures redownloaded every time I launch Sierrachart.

[2022-09-22 18:56:35]
JW - Posts: 3
Everytime I launch Sierrachart and my chartbook, it re-downloads the continuous contract data every time (through interactive brokers).

I am only loading 90 days or so worth of data, and it takes 30 minutes or so (it seems to do one download to that gets me current to yesterday, then it redownloads it again to get current to today) every time I do this which seems unusually long. Is there a way for Sierrachart to retain this data so I don't have to redownload it every time, or perhaps a setting I'm missing?