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Date/Time: Tue, 18 Mar 2025 17:26:06 +0000

Post From: alerts constantly comming

[2022-09-21 14:01:59]
User372414 - Posts: 25
Hi again on this topic.

As expected I found out that new instance of Sierra Chart is not producing these annoying alerts that I still can't get rid of.
But I also found out that if I copy file Sierra4.config from original installation folder to new instance folder, then alerts begin to apear again. Is this fact maybe giving you some clue what is going on here? Of course you are aware that this file is also containing all those little configurations that I was customising over the years to satisfy my needs. Building them again from scratch would probably take me days.

So is there a way to keep all those configuration settings, but to erase this file or replace it with another one and therefore stop this unwanted alerts?

Thanks for your help,
