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Date/Time: Wed, 19 Mar 2025 21:58:44 +0000

Post From: The installation-package is not digitally signed.

[2022-09-17 17:46:59]
User408639 - Posts: 70
Moin Moin.
Neither "https://download2.sierrachart.com/downloads/SierraChartFileDownloader.exe" nor "https://www.sierrachart.com/downloads/ZipFiles/SierraChart2439.zip" are digitally signed.
As the download "https://download2.sierrachart.com/downloads/SierraChartFileDownloader.exe" does yield an error, I do not even know, who created the download.
Can You, please sign the downloader as well as any of its files.

P.S.: On the other hand, "Notepad++" included in Your download is signed.:
If I download "https://www.sierrachart.com/downloads/ZipFiles/SierraChart2439.zip", unpack it, and check the files in it, I find that "SierraChart2439\NPP\notepad++.exe" is digitally signed.:
1. Right click on it,
2. click on properties,
3. select the "digital signatures"-tab,
4. double click the "Notepad++ sha1 ‎Wednesday, ‎4. ‎December ‎2019 02:43:16 Uhr"-signature, and it is verified.