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Date/Time: Tue, 18 Mar 2025 10:59:45 +0000

Post From: ASCIL: Problems with GetStudyLineUntilFutureIntersection/DeleteLineUntilFutureIntersection

[2022-09-16 09:16:50]
StanThompson94 - Posts: 6
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

I'm currently in the process of familiarizing myself with creating studies with ACSIL. For this I have now created a study in which I mark high-volume-nodes with a "LineUntilFutureIntersection". This also works fine after adding the study(see attached picture). However, I don't want the lines to be added again with "AddLineUntilFutureIntersection" after each recalculation of the chart, as i saw that the return value of "GetNumLinesUntilFutureIntersection" gets bigger after each recalculation (line 35 of attached file).

So I thought I could call the "DeleteLineUntilFutureIntersection" function when sc.Index == 0 and delete all lines. (lines 38 - 47 of attached file). The problem is that "sc.DeleteLineUntilFutureIntersection()" always returns 0 and no line is deleted...

I tried a lot and then noticed that in line 55 (GetStudyLineUntilFutureIntersection), there is also 0 returned on recalculation, whereas previously (after adding the study/no recalculation) in line 104 a 1 is returned with the same function call...

Can you please tell me what I'm doing wrong here? I'm just getting a bit desperate.

Thank you and best regards
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2022-09-16 19:39:38
attachmentTWCodeSierraChartSupport.cpp - Attached On 2022-09-16 09:13:08 UTC - Size: 3.58 KB - 469 views
imageTWPictureSierraChartSupport.png / V - Attached On 2022-09-16 09:13:21 UTC - Size: 106.15 KB - 153 views