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Date/Time: Tue, 18 Mar 2025 17:20:29 +0000

Post From: Relative Volume Inputs Changed after Roll to Dec ES

[2022-09-12 18:02:39]
User517970 - Posts: 3
My relative volume chart changed markedly when I accepted the prompt to roll my ESU2 charts to ESZ2. I need the subgraph in the relative volume chart of ESZ to display the 3 colors - red for below 80%, blue for between 80% and 120%, and green for above 120% as it was before the roll. I've gone through the instructions but the inputs seem to allow me to only draw a chart with 2 colors instead of the three colors needed for the relative volume display. In addition, I've been unable to get the scale to show percentage volume rather than total volume or whatever it's showing now. Can someone assist in how I can get the third color to show again in the subgraph, and do we have to rebuild our charts every time Sierra prompts us to roll contracts and accept that prompt? Thank you...