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Date/Time: Tue, 18 Mar 2025 17:30:59 +0000

Post From: Number bars - Draw Outline

[2022-09-06 21:36:01]
John - SC Support - Posts: 38768
From what we can see, you must be referring to a Volume by Price study in which you have the option for Draw Profile Outline Enclosing Bars set to Yes. But you also must have the option for Volume Bars Draw Method set to Volume Profile Outline Only as that is the only way to get what you are seeing.

The reason for this is that the other drawing options all have a base line drawn on the base side of the profile. Therefore, there is generally not a need for that side to be drawn, as it is already covered, except in the above situation with the Volume Profile Outline Only is used, as that does not draw that base line.

We have set this as a Feature Request, but this is not something that we will get to anytime soon.
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