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Date/Time: Sun, 16 Mar 2025 07:40:00 +0000

Post From: Issue with Copied Trades (No. of Contracts + SL Location)

[2022-08-01 11:46:28]
User538960 - Posts: 29
Thank you for the prompt response.

I set up a second SIM-Account, so I can copy between two SIM accts.
I was not sure if you wanted me to keep the same evaluator accounts chosen and just turn on SIM, or if a coyping between SIM1 and SIM2 would be equally fine.

I have tried a trade with the Sim1->Sim2 setup (again, scaling in once after the initial entry) and on this first attempt I could not reproduce the issue. Is it a possibility that the issue was caused by Rithmic (the orders are routed via the Rithmic SIM server for the evaluations)? I frequently get Rithmic error messages along the lines of order modification failures, so it would not surprise me (although those messages have not really had any real effect on the trades so far).

On that occasion, I noticed something that is a bit confusing (frankly, I have to admit that I've never noticed it before...):
After the scale-in (again a total of 6 contracts being on then), I saw a "3" on the right side of the stop loss order, where usually the quantity of contracts of the order is displayed. So, at first I thought there's an issue again, as the quantity does not match the number of open contracts.
But then I looked closer and it turns out that to the left it said "TQ" (Total Quantity?) "6". When I then hovered across the "3" it showed a split of 3 and 3.
May I ask on this occasion what that is supposed to be? Does that mean that if I drag the SL order with the mouse (haven't done it), only 3 contracts of that order will be moved at a time?

I attached a screenshot.

I also attached the chartbook I used (private).

So, I could not reproduce the exact same issue from earlier in SIM on this first attempt.
(I don't have the time to continue the testing right now, sorry. I will try some more SIM trades later today...)

Again, thanks for your prompt reply and for looking into the issues.
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2022-08-01 11:48:24
imageQuantity Confusion.jpg / V - Attached On 2022-08-01 11:40:36 UTC - Size: 110.51 KB - 178 views
Private File