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Date/Time: Sun, 16 Mar 2025 02:30:46 +0000

Post From: SC Gives Different 1-Min volume for SPY than NYSE's Website

[2022-07-29 19:29:27]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
The volume is not going to change on a one minute bar. That is impossible. Unless you have re-downloaded the data and somehow the data in that one minute bar was previously incomplete for an unknown reason. It would have to be a scenario where the data feed was lost during the formation of the bar and then it was restored, but the historical data download failed. This would not be a common condition.

Unless we know exactly every single detail related to this and have the access to the direct information, we cannot trust what we are being told because it simply cannot be true, other than for one reason which is unlikely to occur.

That volume data is not going to change other than for the one reason given above.

Our recommendation at this point in time is to discontinue the US equities data through the Sierra Chart Exchange Data Feed.

Use the NASDAQ data feed, or wait for our new upcoming consolidated tape data feed but that will not be ready for several months.

Nothing is going to change with the Sierra Chart Exchange Data Feed US equities data. There is no further development being done with that. So please do not use that data feed any longer if it is not acceptable for you. We want to make that very clear.!
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

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Date Time Of Last Edit: 2022-07-30 10:44:57