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Date/Time: Sat, 15 Mar 2025 23:43:57 +0000

Post From: CQG WebApi (Not Enabled on package)

[2022-07-28 18:25:06]
DevTrader79 - Posts: 44
hello John, I have cancelled CQG data feed. There is no CQG involved any more . I have subscribed Denali data feed. It is all Denali feed now.

(1) I am getting live denali data feed. no delay, working on sierra chart.
(2) however the problem is on the Trade window , I see only Sim1 option . So I can't trade with my real trading account.
If you can't understand please chat with me . Why I can't see my trading account in the combo box. What is wrong with it ?
I am attaching the image of the chart.
You will see sim1 is highlighted. I don't see my trading account number under the sim1. That's why I can't trade real account.
Why I can't see my trading account number in the combo box ? What is the problem ?