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Date/Time: Sat, 15 Mar 2025 15:20:51 +0000

Post From: Unable to download Stock Data for certain Symbols (NQTV)

[2022-07-21 20:28:45]
Alex Q - Posts: 112
I have a second instance that I use to monitor several names. I have recently cleaned up instance two, and reconfigured it. Starting with a blank slate, I have AAPL-NQTV, AMZN-NQTV, TSLA-NQTV. These are all working properly. However, GOOGL-NQTV & FB-NQTV, are not working. I have deleted their .scid files in an attempt to re-download all data. The odd thing is that Google isn't showing up as a symbol at all when you do a symbol search. FB-NQTV won't load any data, and is stuck on 2022-06-08.

Under data-trade services I have the following settings:

Non-tick data: 180
1-tick data: 10

When I pull up a brand new symbol (such as NVDA-NQTQ which I have no existing data for) it loads perfectly fine.

Under symbol settings I have unchecked "used custom symbol settings" and tried to "update from server."

I have disconnected/reconnected after doing all of these steps.
imageScreen Shot 2022-07-21 at 1.11.35 PM.png / V - Attached On 2022-07-21 20:24:08 UTC - Size: 7.02 KB - 89 views