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Date/Time: Tue, 18 Feb 2025 22:43:13 +0000

Post From: Cancel attached order with sc.BuyExit()

[2014-04-20 21:05:49]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
Using the below function, we could not duplicate the problem. We are releasing 1123 now. There have been no changes which would affect the problem.

However, please test the below code in version 1123. What you will see is that there will be a position created with attached orders and then it will be exited . This will continuously occur. It is easiest to test this during a slow playing replay.

SCSFExport scsf_ACSILTradingTest(SCStudyInterfaceRef sc)
  //Define references to the Subgraphs and Inputs for easy reference
  SCSubgraphRef BuyEntrySubgraph = sc.Subgraph[0];
  SCSubgraphRef BuyExitSubgraph = sc.Subgraph[1];
  SCSubgraphRef SellEntrySubgraph = sc.Subgraph[2];
  SCSubgraphRef SellExitSubgraph = sc.Subgraph[3];

  SCInputRef Enabled = sc.Input[0];

  if (sc.SetDefaults)
    // Set the study configuration and defaults.

    sc.GraphName = "Trading Test";

    BuyEntrySubgraph.Name = "Buy Entry";
    BuyEntrySubgraph.DrawStyle = DRAWSTYLE_ARROWUP;
    BuyEntrySubgraph.PrimaryColor = RGB(0, 255, 0);
    BuyEntrySubgraph.LineWidth = 2;
    BuyEntrySubgraph.DrawZeros = false;

    BuyExitSubgraph.Name = "Buy Exit";
    BuyExitSubgraph.DrawStyle = DRAWSTYLE_ARROWDOWN;
    BuyExitSubgraph.PrimaryColor = RGB(255, 128, 128);
    BuyExitSubgraph.LineWidth = 2;
    BuyExitSubgraph.DrawZeros = false;

    SellEntrySubgraph.Name = "Sell Entry";
    SellEntrySubgraph.DrawStyle = DRAWSTYLE_ARROWDOWN;
    SellEntrySubgraph.PrimaryColor = RGB(255, 0, 0);
    SellEntrySubgraph.LineWidth = 2;
    SellEntrySubgraph.DrawZeros = false;

    SellExitSubgraph.Name = "Sell Exit";
    SellExitSubgraph.DrawStyle = DRAWSTYLE_ARROWUP;
    SellExitSubgraph.PrimaryColor = RGB(128, 255, 128);
    SellExitSubgraph.LineWidth = 2;
    SellExitSubgraph.DrawZeros = false;

    Enabled.Name = "Enabled";
    Enabled. SetDescription("This input enables the study and allows it to function. Otherwise, it does nothing.");

    // This is false by default. Orders will be simulated.
    sc.SendOrdersToTradeService = false;

    sc.AllowMultipleEntriesInSameDirection = true;

    //This must be equal to or greater than the order quantities you will be submitting orders for.
    sc.MaximumPositionAllowed = 10000;

    sc.SupportReversals = false;
    sc.AllowOppositeEntryWithOpposingPositionOrOrders = true;

    // This variable controls whether to use or not use attached orders that are configured on the Trade Window for the chart.
    sc.SupportAttachedOrdersForTrading = false;

    //This variable controls whether to use the "Use Attached Orders" setting on the Trade Window for the chart
    sc.UseGUIAttachedOrderSetting = false;

    sc.CancelAllOrdersOnEntriesAndReversals= false;
    sc.AllowEntryWithWorkingOrders = true;
    sc.CancelAllWorkingOrdersOnExit = true;
    sc.AllowOnlyOneTradePerBar = false;

    //This needs to be set to true when a trading study uses trading functions.
    sc.MaintainTradeStatisticsAndTradesData = true;

    sc.AutoLoop = true;
    sc.GraphRegion = 0;

    // During development set this flag to 1, so the DLL can be modified. When development is completed, set it to 0 to improve performance.
    sc.FreeDLL = 0;

    //sc.OnExternalDataImmediateStudyCall= true;//Increases CPU load. Use with caution.



  //These must be outside of the sc.SetDefaults code block
  sc.SupportTradingScaleIn = 1;
  sc.SupportTradingScaleOut = 0;

  if (!Enabled.GetYesNo())

  if ( sc.LastCallToFunction )
    return;//nothing to do

  // Run the below code only on the last bar
  if (sc.Index < sc.ArraySize-1)

  s_SCPositionData PositionData;
  sc.GetTradePosition( PositionData);
  if (PositionData.PositionQuantity== 0)
    // Create an s_SCNewOrder object.
    s_SCNewOrder NewOrder;
    NewOrder.OrderQuantity = 1;
    NewOrder.OrderType = SCT_MARKET;
    NewOrder.TimeInForce = SCT_TIF_GTC;

    //Specify a Target and a Stop with 8 tick offsets. We are specifying one Target and one Stop, additional targets and stops can be specified as well.
    NewOrder.Target1Offset = 8*sc.TickSize;
    NewOrder.Stop1Offset = 8*sc.TickSize;
    NewOrder.OCOGroup1Quantity = 1; // If this is left at the default of 0, then it will be automatically set.
    s_SCNewOrder NewOrder;
    NewOrder.OrderQuantity = 0; //Flatten
    NewOrder.OrderType = SCT_MARKET;

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