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Date/Time: Sat, 15 Mar 2025 23:09:25 +0000

Post From: Dom Volume By Price study has wrong numbers

[2022-07-06 20:37:18]
Kostas - Posts: 10
Hello John,
thanks for your reply. As i said in the ps i 've allready checked tick settings, session times, volume by price multiplier and most of the stuff that are on that link.
The problem i am describing is not relative to historical data. It happens live i saw it happening live today and many times before. So for example on that screenshot as 16.50 price was hit 27 buyers bought it but it printed 59 on the volume profile.
The prices that are lower that have descrepencies too like 120'14.50 ( 517+1086 on the bid ask and 1190 on total volume) also was watching it printing it wrong live. The chart starts at 8:20 Est time and this was about 8:40 or something meaning that these prices were being printed live as the market was reaching new highs and there was no interference with old data to cause the difference between the current traded bid ask profile and the volume by price study. The jigsaw dom i was comparing too has very notable differences and has the same session settings too by the way.