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Date/Time: Sat, 15 Mar 2025 23:19:58 +0000

Post From: trade service issues

[2022-07-05 19:15:40]
WzOfOdds - Posts: 1
hi, I have some issues requesting advice/ comments/ assistance:

1. market depth is not showing for "trading evaluator - delayed [trading]". it's showing ok for others - eg. SC data - all service & trading evaluator.

2. when using "trading evaluator [trading]", i encounter "trading is disabled".
detail: "Trading Evaluator (Order reject). Info: Trading is disabled. Internal Order ID: 1180. Service Order ID: (none). Symbol: PLUG-NQTV. Account: ta10 | 2022-07-05 15:10:37.823"

3(a). when order is filled, last filled disappear from DOM; while <chart stats> in <trade activity log> column <open quantity> remarks "..not accurate". tested with ibkr trade service. using "trading evaluator - delayed [trading]" is showing fine.
any suggestion to force it to show somewhere?

3(b). trade service log contains messages "EtradeOnly" "firmQuoteOnly" order attributes not supported. note: doesn't affect order fill.
