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Date/Time: Fri, 14 Mar 2025 21:55:58 +0000

Post From: (x*ATR)BuyExit/SellExit Not Performing Correctly

[2022-06-27 14:46:41]
GG - Posts: 20
System is designed to exit when the TP is TP=(x)*ATR and SL=(x)*ATR.

I was playing around with x=4, x=8 and other variables but keep getting the exact same results, indicating my formula must be incorrect.

=OR(AND($J$8 > 0, ID0.SG4@3 <= $J$9-(ID2.SG1@3*4)), AND($J$8 > 0, ID0.SG4@3 >= $J$9+(ID2.SG1@3*8)))

=OR(AND($J$8 < 0, ID0.SG4@3 >= $J$9+(ID2.SG1@3*4)), AND($J$8 < 0, ID0.SG4@3 <= $J$9-(ID2.SG1@3*8)))

This is meant to be a SL=4, TP=8.

Thanks in advance for your time.