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Date/Time: Fri, 14 Mar 2025 18:36:59 +0000

Post From: 15 min data delay

[2022-06-21 18:48:13]
User913238 - Posts: 8
-Notice: Your Services Balance of 0.00 USD is too low to renew the Services activated on your account when they expire. You need a balance of at least 36 USD. You can view the Recurring Services. To activate and deactivate services on your account, go to the Services Activation page. (Current Usage Time Ending Date: 2022-07-06).

You will need to make a payment of 36 USD.

-2022-05-05: IMPORTANT Notice: Due to Symbol Settings changes, for continued access to the Denali Exchange Data Feed you may need to update to the current version. To update, refer to Fast Update.

- 2022-06-13: IMPORTANT NOTICE: If you are not able to connect to CQG, Interactive Brokers, Rithmic, IQ Feed, or LMAX, then you need to change to Service Package 10 or higher. For complete details and a free evaluation of these packages, refer to this Support Board Posting.

- 2022-05-19: Important Updated Notice. Refer to the changes related to Service Packages: Service Package Changes | Discontinued External Services | Reducing Overall Costs Posting has been updated with information here.

- 2022-05-11: FTX Crypto currency exchange market data is now available. Symbols can be found through File >> Find Symbol >> FTX Crypto when using SC Data - All Services.

- 2022-05-05: If you are using the Delayed Exchange Data Feed, then due to Symbol Settings changes you need to update to a recent version of Sierra Chart. We have not precisely examined what version or higher you need to be running. However, either the current version or version in approximately the last six months will be necessary. To update, refer to the Fast Update instructions.

- 2022-04-10: Information about the New Chart Settings Windows.

- 2022-03-01: Fully independent and zero transaction fee Teton Order Routing Service now available! For complete details refer to, Teton Order Routing Service.

- Date 2022-02-02: For proper functioning of Continuous Futures Contract charts at the time of rollover, and when using back adjustments, it is necessary to update to the current version. Refer to Fast Update.

- Date 2022-02-01: New NASDAQ TotalView data feed available for entire Sierra Chart user base. Provides Realtime and delayed data for NASDAQ/NYSE/AMEX stocks.

- 2021-07-01: If you are using Market by Order data from the Denali Exchange Data Feed, it is necessary to update to version 2282 or higher to resolve a problem with Market by Order data stopping on a lost connection and not resuming. For instructions, refer to Fast Update.

- 2021-06-03: Due to changes related to exchange compliance, to continue to receive Historical Daily data in Historical charts, effective June 7, 2021, it is necessary that you update to version 2268 or higher. For instructions, refer to Fast Update.

- 2021-06-03: Due to changes related to exchange compliance, CME historical data will no longer be accessible through the DTC Protocol server in Sierra Chart. To continue to be able to use the File >> New Instance feature after June 15, 2021, it is necessary that you update to version 2268 or higher. For instructions, refer to Fast Update.

-Version 2403 is available. To download, select Help >> Download Current Version.

Refer to the What Is New page for the new features and improvements.