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Date/Time: Fri, 14 Mar 2025 17:51:16 +0000

Post From: Missing forex live data

[2022-06-17 17:40:10]
User447007 - Posts: 41
If they had no intraday and historical volume data or you simply not recommend to use it, what is your solution
for forex data provider with volume info too?
I really like your software and I do think your service is the best on the market, but unfortunately we couldn't tell it about your FXdata provider... We could call FXCM anything, but professional...
It is like you would have a NYSE/NASDAQ market data provider which would cover the big cap stocks, but
forgot the mid and small cap ones... What kind of data serive would it be??
So please let me know what is the solution to find a real professional forex data provider,
which's standard comes at least to close to Sierra Chart's level!