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Date/Time: Fri, 14 Mar 2025 13:27:08 +0000

Post From: How to do a couple of things

[2022-06-06 13:27:38]
User849502 - Posts: 367
Hi Guys,

1-as you can see I pay for 2 machine license. Now I would like to have the Teton data feed stay with EdgeClear, and for this machine which is 'sc all data' to be connected to an account at edfMan/Nirvana. I am told by Leo that is possible. Can you confirm this for me please?

2-I would like to start charting the Di1 which appears to be listed on you BMF Futures. This should be the Brazilian exchange and it's short term interest rate contract. So if it's listed I assume I could get it, and could you tell me please the cost for adding it?

thank you so much
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