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Date/Time: Sat, 15 Mar 2025 15:45:32 +0000

Post From: Message received about access ending in 5 days

[2022-05-29 19:31:57]
denarius - Posts: 16
I have a follow up question.
I am using version 2276 - I am always hesitant to upgrade because on occasion you make changes that disable indicators I have - I don't like bad surprises.

I have received the message that support for Transact has ended but everything in Sierra Charts seems to be working fine. So is there a need to rush to upgrade - I have many other things happening right now - or can I wait until July?

From your previous message it would appear that I am paid up until about 16 to 18 June so should I go ahead and make my regular payment of 26 dollars now or do I have to go through the transition before then?

I have looked at the instructions for continuing to use Sierra Charts for charting only and I am a bit confused. I see the comment "Or if you just require Sierra Chart for charting only, change to Service Package 10, 11 or 12 and use the Denali Exchange Data Feed:
Denali Exchange Data Feed" but then later I see the comment "If you are using the Denali Exchange Data Feed and paying for the exchange fees, you will continue to get real-time CME Group data for up to 30 days. Thereafter, you will need to connect with a compatible service like Teton. For other exchanges you get from the Denali Data Feed, you will continue to receive those in real time without any time restriction."

This confuses me as it seems I instructed to switch to Denali but that lasts only 30 days & then I have to switch to Teton - so why bother with Denali? If I am using Sierra Charts only for charting, what do I have to do for Teton?

Thank you for your patience.