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Date/Time: Wed, 12 Mar 2025 20:17:09 +0000

Post From: direct link on instructions setting up alerts

[2022-05-17 18:51:03]
AH717 - Posts: 4
Hi John,

Thank you for your response. I have a new issue I am encountering with the trade DOM. I have attached two screenshots showing my issue. As you can see, when I make a BUY order & use the flatten function to end the trade it shows the opposite of which direction I traded in that moment(SELL instead of BUY). Can you please guide me on how I can fix the flatten function to represent the current direction being flattened?
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2022-05-17 18:51:41
imageTrade DOM.PNG / V - Attached On 2022-05-17 18:46:38 UTC - Size: 170.89 KB - 131 views