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Date/Time: Wed, 12 Mar 2025 15:42:30 +0000

Post From: second instance dlls not loading (and other issues)? [realtime replay in parallel]

[2022-05-13 21:09:43]
John - SC Support - Posts: 38610
The first thing is that you should not be having the issue you are having with the custom studies, as long as you have copied them properly. Make sure you put them in the Data folder that is under the other instance. For example, for a 2nd instance, the appropriate folder to put the .dll into would be [Main Sierra Chart Folder]\SierraChartInstance_2\Data.

As to starting a 3rd instance, the system will increment the instance number based on how many are already open. Therefore, if you got an Instance #3, then that means that Instance #2 was already running. You can also automatically start Sub-Instances by defining the particular instance you want to start in the General Settings. Refer to the following:
General Settings Window: Instances to Run on Startup (Global Settings >> General Settings >> General >> New Instances)

We saw your other post asking for 10 logins. You will get a separate response to that question.
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