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Date/Time: Wed, 12 Mar 2025 21:56:43 +0000

Post From: possible bugs? 2 things - sc.GetLineNumberOfSelectedUserDrawnDrawing - @ usetool issue

[2022-05-06 13:38:39]
JohnR - User831573 - Posts: 319
Upon further testing. I have found the following to be true.

1 - If I select the pitchfork through the UI and then use     JOR_Success_Line = sc.GetUserDrawnChartDrawing(sc.ChartNumber, DRAWING_PITCHFORK, Tool, -1);
--- It does return the structure with the # of the drawing I previouslu clicked on. This is good. I can work with that.

--> but I still would like to understand why this did not work. sc.GetLineNumberOfSelectedUserDrawnDrawing()

2 - By using the following code, visually on the chart, I can see that I am able to modify the pitchfork, in my test it was Tool.BeginIndex - but still do not see the "CUT" Tool.FourthIndex, being changed on the screen.

----> It appears that sc.UseTool(), does not call the code needed to check for a 'cut'.

3- I still would like to know why clearing of dates is required.

// Added to see if this is needed - clearing of dates
      // End of added to test code of clearing dates

        Tool.AddMethod = UTAM_ADD_OR_ADJUST;
        int JOR_Fourth = Tool.FourthIndex;
        Tool.FourthIndex = JOR_Fourth + 10;
        Tool.BeginIndex = Tool.BeginIndex - 5;
        JOR_Success_Line = sc.UseTool(Tool);
        JOR_MessageText.Format("PF#-> %i 4th Idx-> %i Success-> %i", JOR_LineNum, Tool.FourthIndex, JOR_Success_Line);
        sc.AddMessageToLog(JOR_MessageText, 1);

Hope this helps narrow the bug in the code.

Date Time Of Last Edit: 2022-05-10 16:05:47