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Date/Time: Wed, 12 Mar 2025 11:37:51 +0000

Post From: Re-Center when exceeding # of ticks, should center on price

[2022-05-05 17:13:03]
j4ytr4der_ - Posts: 946
Hello SCE, and thank you so much for addressing the centering on price when in manual mode. Now there is just one more really important issue around centering that needs addressing.

Currently, the option to automatically re-center when price moves X number of ticks away from the center, centers the bar and does not center on price. This makes it basically useless, since the point of it would be to always automatically re-center on price every time price moves a certain amount.

Perhaps there is a reason for it to center on the bar, that I just don't understand. If that is the case then could you please add a second option to center on price instead? And if there is not actually a reason to center on bar, then maybe it can just be changed to center on price. Either way, thank you for your consideration of this request.