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Date/Time: Wed, 12 Mar 2025 06:31:24 +0000

Post From: Put Call ratios subscription

[2022-04-30 06:23:24]
VolTrader73 - Posts: 136
I'v seen the following symbols listed under indexes in the following page https://www.sierrachart.com/index.php?page=doc/SierraChart_RealTime_And_Historical_Symbols.php&SymbolsPage=Indices&ID=index#INDEX

Iv also seen previous posts by other users on this matter of if these are available or not and those threads remain mostly unsolved if I understand correctly.

My question:
Are these ratios truly available ?
Which service do I need to add ?
Are these ratios updating Real Time or only EOD ?
Also do the Vix indexes update in real time ? (there are several for indexes, commodities, FX and individual stocks ..

If they are available and in Realtime, please link to the service I need to add to my account..
Thank you

Description: Total Put/Call Ratio
Symbol: $CPC  
Description: Index Put/Call Ratio
Symbol: $CPCI
Description: Equity Put/Call Ratio
Symbol: $CPCS  
Description: Put Call Ratio Amzn
Symbol: $PCAM
Description: Put Call Ratio Aapl
Symbol: $PCAP  
Description: Put Call Ratio Goog
Symbol: $PCGO
Description: Put Call Ratio Iwm
Symbol: $PCIW  
Description: Put Call Ratio QQQ
Symbol: $PCQQ
Description: Put Call Ratio Spy
Symbol: $PCSP  
Description: Put Call Ratio $Spx
Symbol: $PCSX
Description: Put Call Ratio Tsla
Symbol: $PCTS  
Description: Put Call Ratio BA
Symbol: $PCBA
Description: Put Call Ratio Csco
Symbol: $PCCS  
Description: Put Call Ratio Dis
Symbol: $PCDI
Description: Put Call Ratio Fb
Symbol: $PCFB  
Description: Put Call Ratio F
Symbol: $PCFR
Description: Put Call Ratio Intc
Symbol: $PCIN  
Description: Put Call Ratio JPM
Symbol: $PCJP
Description: Put Call Ratio Amd
Symbol: $PCMD  
Description: Put Call Ratio Msft
Symbol: $PCMS
Description: Put Call Ratio $Vix
Symbol: $PCVI  
Description: Put Call Ratio Vxx
Symbol: $PCVX