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Date/Time: Fri, 20 Sep 2024 00:56:52 +0000

Post From: Timing problems

[2014-04-08 14:18:41]
Hendrixon - Posts: 130
I wanted to see if/how "sc.OnExternalDataImmediateStudyCall = true" effects chart update.
Setting chart update interval to 2000ms, I expected two outcomes:
A. It will plot the chart slow but give true values of studies on every chart update.
B. Or it will really refresh the chart when ever there is new trade.

I had a study that plotted the local pc millisecond timestamp on a 1 tick chart.
In the attached picture, top study is local milliseconds and bottom study is local seconds.
For some odd reason the milliseconds just keep going from 0 to 999 in cycles of +/- 150 seconds [two and a half minutes]
Setting chart update interval to 1000ms gives the same behavior but with 65-70 second cycles.

500ms also look weird...
This means that faster intervals also give wrong timestamps, but since they are fast enough to give more changes we don't know they are wrong.
sc.OnExternalDataImmediateStudyCall really works? doesn't seem like it from the plots.

imageFile1.jpg / V - Attached On 2014-04-08 14:18:28 UTC - Size: 17.37 KB - 453 views