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Date/Time: Mon, 10 Mar 2025 23:16:55 +0000

Post From: Suggested way of displaying InternalOrderID per bar in ACSIL?

[2022-04-12 14:15:10]
1+1=10 - Posts: 270
Hi jwick,

I replicated your result of 35_428_518 resulting in 35_428_520 using your code in the last post. I apologize for my incorrect presumption. On 2nd thought, as floats only have 6-7 significant digits I guess it makes sense the 7th-8th digits could switch from 18 to 20: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/cpp/c-language/type-float?view=msvc-170

Any other advice on how to display an internalorderid per bar? Alternatively is there a way to reset the InternalOrderID count within sierra charts so it provides smaller ID's?

Sadly, I can't think of a way! The docs say the InternalOrderID is set by SC so I don't think it is resettable. I think you may need SCEngineering's help to see if this is possible. Good luck!