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Date/Time: Fri, 14 Mar 2025 13:24:55 +0000

Post From: Copies on different computers with data problem

[2022-04-08 19:08:45]
User720123 - Posts: 15

I installed three copies of Sierra Chart on two different computers.

When I open chartbook (NQ + TWN) on one computer (data feed Interactive Brokers) and chartbook (CL + 1 Binance futures) on the other (data feed SC) simultaneously, one of NQ and CL will stop receiving data, depending on which chartbook I open first.

If I open the chartbook on computer A first, CL will stop receiving data. However, Binance futures receives data as usual and vice versa.

I have tried many combinations, like TWN + N225M on computer A and HSI + Binance futures on computer B with the same data feed settings. Still, only the combination mentioned above has this problem. Please inform me how to fix this.

Moreover, MSCI Taiwan Index Futures is no longer traded on SGX and is now replaced by FTSE Taiwan Index Futures (TWN), which is not among the IB available symbols. I can successfully add the FTSE Taiwan Index Futures manually, but the "Symbol settings not found for current service" message will appear for a short while every time I open a chartbook that contains this futures contract.
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2022-04-08 19:10:39