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Date/Time: Tue, 11 Mar 2025 17:06:48 +0000

Post From: SCTRADING_ORDER_ERROR in v2368 but not prior version

[2022-04-03 14:21:21]
jwick - Posts: 142
Hi ... I have done two additional tests now ... fully re-downloading the data files in both SC versions and a second test copying over the data files from one to the other to make doubly sure they are working off the same data. However, I observed the same anomaly documented above. At this point I'm quite confident something in v2376 is causing certain data bars to load differently from 2308.

If my explanation of why the ROC should be the same across the two versions makes sense to you, I urge you to load the two chartbooks and compare the date highlighted (it does occur on other bars as well) from one version to the other. Perhaps my conjecture that it has to do with continuous contracts is wrong. The only reason I started thinking about that was I had to account for the change in back adjustments (hence the use of ROC to compare bars) when comparing if the data is loaded the same across the two versions. But something else is then causing this discrepancy. Looking closer at the bar, I have noticed the actual range of that bar on the two versions is identical. So it appears as though for some reason the opening print (and the HLC prints as well) is offset by more than would be accounted for by the difference in back adjust amount. Why this happens on just some bars and not all is perhaps the biggest mystery to me.