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Date/Time: Mon, 10 Mar 2025 17:17:42 +0000

Post From: Please look into

[2022-04-01 18:44:00]
John - SC Support - Posts: 38542
We need to understand how you are wanting to use Sierra Chart at this point.

Your log shows that you are on version 2355, in which you can not connect to TransAct. If you are wanting to continue to trade with TransAct, then you will need to downgrade to version 2353 or lower. Refer to the instructions here to do this:
Software Download: Full Control Rollback Procedure

If you are wanting to use Sierra Chart just for charting, then you can leave the version as it is, but open your chartbooks and select Edit >> Translate Symbols to Current Service, as there are a few different formats being used.

And finally, there is the following in your log:
The Chartbook file is not a valid Chartbook. File: C:\SierraChart\SierraChartTransActMA\Data\Hanan Charts.cht

This may have been from an update to a newer release and then a rollback to an older one. But we really do not know. If you want to recover this chartbook, then refer to the following for how to access a backup copy of chartbooks:
Chartbooks (Workspaces): Accessing a Backup Chartbook File
For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing