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Date/Time: Mon, 10 Mar 2025 17:16:48 +0000

Post From: Suggestion for ACSIL to improve performance

[2022-03-31 16:29:45]
Trader & Sierra++ developer - Posts: 110
Hi Sierra,

As performance is important for users (and for you designers), you could add filters so that studies would be call only when needed.

Same a sc.ReceivePointerEvents, for market data and trading data also : something like sc.ReceiveMarketUpdates and sc.ReceiveTradingEvents.

I'm probably not the most representative user, because I don't do algo trading and I use very few indicators, but I code studies to manage my risk and to improve/customize the software interface and usability and cleary, 99% of the calls to my studies are useless.

On the other side, i'd like my studies to be called more frequently sometimes, especially for mouse events.