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Date/Time: Thu, 19 Sep 2024 01:11:48 +0000

Post From: Backtest results are radically different from live trading results

[2022-03-19 13:00:56]
Luigi - Posts: 18
Have you guys experimented with other feeds than denali regarding measurable delays?

When I am using denali feed (NQ futures contract 0.25 range chart) I can see with my eyes that chart stops for milliseconds. First I thought it is the setup as I am running SC on linux or the settings. But then I tested with every possible settings and on windows as well, and around faster markets I can see the same tiny delays in chart refresh when using denali.

Now I did experiments with IQ feed and CQG feed with same setup, settings , etc. and IQ feed and CQG are smooth, no visible delays. So my conclusion is that it is likely on the SC denali server side causing the observable delays. Any idea how to measure this delay what I see on denali feed and not on the others? I cannot run the other feeds parallel.
(I'd prefer to use denali but not until this issue is there as If I see this ,then the algo is also getting data delays too)