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Date/Time: Tue, 18 Mar 2025 11:49:22 +0000

Post From: What does session times mean in chart settings?

[2022-03-12 06:18:42]
Tony - Posts: 555
So, I assume your time zone is GMT+1? I live in Time Zone GMT-8, but I actually set my time zone to GMT+1, since I write my own Sierra studies, by setting time zone to GMT+1, my session time will be from midnight to midnight (Start Time: 00:00:00, End Time: 23:00:00, 'Use Evening Session' set to 'No', 'New Bar At Session Start' set to 'Yes', and 'Weekend Data' is set to 'Do Not Load Weekend Data'), which means all the bars printed in the same session also on the same date, that simplifies my coding dramatically. If I do need to display local time on my chart, all I have to do is minus 9 hours from internal time (you don't have to :).

If you have to use evening session (totally unnecessarily in my opinion), that would be session from 15:30:00 to 23:00:00, evening session from 00:00:00 to 15:29:59

The only difference is, because day light saving schedules are different (Swedish schedule is 2-week shorter than North America's), my day light saving schedule is set from 11am (which is 2am on west coast) on second Sunday in March, to 11am on first Sunday in November.

To make that happen, you will have to select "Other/Custom DST..." from the Time Zone (List), instead of a specific city, and manually set the numbers (UTC Offset=+01:00, Daylight Saving Time/Summer Time=Yes, etc.). See attached image.

You might want have the same settings, so the most trading activities happen for you would always be 15:30 to 22:00 when US stock market opens. Just be aware there are two weeks (March and November each) every year, that time display on Sierra Chart is one hour ahead your local time (when US stock market opens 14:30 your local time).
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2022-07-26 20:45:09